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What is Uniclass?
Uniclass is a unified classification structure, made up of many tables, that can be used by different parts of the industry in various ways. Facilities managers and owners might classify their existing assets, whilst designers and constructors can use Uniclass codes to structure specifications and manage project information. Find out more about Uniclass.
Case studies
At NBS, we love hearing about how different organizations around the world are using and helping to contribute to the development of Uniclass. Discover how a variety of users are using Uniclass on a range of projects. Read our case studies.
Please get in touch if you would like to feature your Uniclass journey in our case studies section. Share your experience.

About the API
The Uniclass API allows software developers to develop applications that utilize the Uniclass classifications.
It is a REST API that enables navigation and classification retrieval across all of the Uniclass tables. Find out more about the API.
Uniclass is overseen by the Uniclass Advisory Board

Frequently asked questions
What is Uniclass?
Uniclass is a unified classification system, made up of a set of tables, that can be used by different parts of the industry in various ways. Facilities managers and owners might classify their existing asset records, whilst designers and constructors can use Uniclass codes to structure specifications and manage project information.
How do I start using Uniclass?
You first need to know what you want to classify (e.g. a building, a construction product, a piece of equipment), this will help you decide which table or tables best suit your needs. You can then download the tables to study in detail, or search and browse codes on this site. If you need more detail on how Uniclass works or to see how other organizations have used it, visit our Uniclass knowledge section.
How much does Uniclass cost?
Nothing - Uniclass is a free service. All Uniclass tables are available to download and use completely free of charge.
Is Uniclass the same as Uniclass 2?
No. The original published version of Uniclass was issued in 1997; after a few years it became apparent that it needed modifying to better reflect the needs of industry, and with UK government funding, work was undertaken on what would become the second published version in 2015. Before that was published, however, an interim version, known as Uniclass 2, was developed for use in NBS Create. It was never formally published and has no official standing, and the 2015 Uniclass should now always be used instead.
Can I download all of Uniclass in one file?
Uniclass is currently made up of a suite of 12 tables, all of which can be downloaded individually or as a bundle. Download the latest tables by visiting the download page, you can also access notes on any changes to them whilst you're there.
Can I download earlier versions of Uniclass tables?
Yes. Download older versions of the tables by visiting the download page.
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